Title: | Optimal Bayesian Experimental Design using the ACE Algorithm |
Description: | Optimal Bayesian experimental design using the approximate coordinate exchange (ACE) algorithm. See <doi:10.18637/jss.v095.i13>. |
Authors: | Antony M. Overstall, David C. Woods, Maria Adamou & Damianos Michaelides |
Maintainer: | Antony M. Overstall <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL-2 |
Version: | 1.10 |
Built: | 2025-03-06 04:02:51 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/cran/acebayes |
Finding an optimal Bayesian experimental design (Chaloner & Verdinelli, 1995) involves maximising an objective function given by the expectation of some appropriately chosen utility function with respect to the joint distribution of unknown quantities (including responses). This objective function is usually not available in closed form and the design space can be continuous and of high dimensionality.
The acebayes
package uses Approximate Coordinate Exchange (ACE; Overstall
& Woods, 2017) to maximise an approximation to the expectation of the utility function.
In Phase I of the algorithm, a continuous version of the coordinate exchange
algorithm (Meyer & Nachtsheim, 1995) is used to maximise an approximation to
expected utility. The approximation is given by the predictive mean of a Gaussian
process (GP) emulator constructing using a 'small' number of approximate
evaluations of the expected utility function. In Phase II a point exchange
algorithm is used to consolidate clusters of design points into repeated design
Package: | acebayes |
Version: | 1.10 |
Date: | 2020-10-04 |
Date: | 2017-02-09 |
License: | GPL-2 |
The most important functions are as follows.
The function ace
implements both phases of the ACE algorithm. It has two mandatory arguments: utility
(a function specifying the chosen utility function incorporating the joint distribution of unknown quantities) and start.d
(the initial design). The function will return the final design from the algorithm, along with information to assess convergence. The function pace
implements repetitions of the ACE algorithm from different starting designs (as specified by the start.d
The computational time of ace
(and pace
) is highly dependent on the computational time required to evaluate the user-supplied function utility
. Therefore it is recommended that users take advantage of R
packages such as Rcpp
(Eddelbuettel & Francois, 2011), RcppArmadillo
(Eddelbuettel & Sanderson, 2014), or RcppEigen
(Bates & Eddelbuettel, 2013), that provide convenient interfaces to compiled programming languages.
The functions aceglm
and acenlm
are user-friendly wrapper functions for ace
which use the ACE algorithm to find Bayesian optimal experimental designs for generalised linear models and non-linear models, respectively. As special cases, both of these functions can find pseudo-Bayesian optimal designs. The functions paceglm
and pacenlm
implement repetitions of the ACE algorithm from different starting designs (as specified by the start.d
argument) for generalised linear models and non-linear models, respectively.
For more details on the underpinning methodology, see Overstall & Woods (2017), and for more information on the acebayes
package, see Overstall et al (2020).
Antony M. Overstall [email protected], David C. Woods, Maria Adamou & Damianos Michaelides
Maintainer: Antony. M.Overstall [email protected]
Bates, D. & Eddelbuettel, D. (2013). Fast and Elegant Numerical Linear Algebra Using the RcppEigen Package. Journal of Statistical Software, 52(5), 1-24. https://www.jstatsoft.org/v52/i05/
Chaloner, K. & Verdinelli, I. (1995). Bayesian Experimental Design: A Review. Statistical Science, 10, 273-304.
Eddelbuettel, D. & Francois, R. (2011). Rcpp: Seamless R and C++ Integration. Journal of Statistical Software, 40(8), 1-18. https://www.jstatsoft.org/v40/i08/
Eddelbuettel, D. & Sanderson, C. (2014). RcppArmadillo: Accelerating R with high-performance C++ linear algebra. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 71, 1054-1063.
Meyer, R. & Nachtsheim, C. (1995). The Coordinate Exchange Algorithm for Constructing Exact Optimal Experimental Designs. Technometrics, 37, 60-69.
Overstall, A.M. & Woods, D.C. (2017). Bayesian design of experiments using approximate coordinate exchange. Technometrics, 59, 458-470.
Overstall, A.M., Woods, D.C. & Adamou, M. (2020). acebayes: An R Package for Bayesian Optimal Design of Experiments via Approximate Coordinate Exchange. Journal of Statistical Software, 95 (13), 1-33 https://www.jstatsoft.org/v095/i13/
## This example uses aceglm to find a pseudo-Bayesian D-optimal design for a ## first-order logistic regression model with 6 runs 4 factors (i.e. 5 parameters). ## The priors are those used by Overstall & Woods (2017), i.e. a uniform prior ## distribution is assumed for each parameter. The design space for each coordinate ## is [-1, 1]. set.seed(1) ## Set seed for reproducibility. n<-6 ## Specify the sample size (number of runs). start.d<-matrix(2 * randomLHS(n = n,k = 4) - 1, nrow = n, ncol = 4, dimnames = list(as.character(1:n), c("x1", "x2", "x3", "x4"))) ## Generate an initial design of appropriate dimension. The initial design is a ## Latin hypercube sample. low<-c(-3, 4, 5, -6, -2.5) upp<-c(3, 10, 11, 0, 3.5) ## Lower and upper limits of the uniform prior distributions. prior<-function(B){ t(t(6*matrix(runif(n = 5*B), ncol = 5)) + low)} ## Create a function which specifies the prior. This function will return a ## B by 5 matrix where each row gives a value generated from the prior ## distribution for the model parameters. example<-aceglm(formula = ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4, start.d = start.d, family = binomial, prior = prior , criterion = "D", method= "MC", B = c(1000,1000), N1 = 1, N2 = 0, upper = 1) ## Call the aceglm function which implements the ACE algorithm requesting ## only one iteration of Phase I and zero iterations of Phase II (chosen for ## illustrative purposes). The Monte Carlo sample size for the comparison ## procedure (B[1]) is set to 1000 (chosen again for illustrative purposes). example ## Print out a short summary. #Generalised Linear Model #Criterion = Bayesian D-optimality # #Number of runs = 6 # #Number of factors = 4 # #Number of Phase I iterations = 1 # #Number of Phase II iterations = 0 # #Computer time = 00:00:02 ## The final design found is: example$phase2.d # x1 x2 x3 x4 #1 -0.4735783 0.12870470 -0.75064318 1.0000000 #2 -0.7546841 0.78864527 0.58689270 0.2946728 #3 -0.7463834 0.33548985 -0.93497463 -0.9573198 #4 0.4446617 -0.29735212 0.74040030 0.2182800 #5 0.8459424 -0.41734194 -0.07235575 -0.4823212 #6 0.6731941 0.05742842 1.00000000 -0.1742566
## This example uses aceglm to find a pseudo-Bayesian D-optimal design for a ## first-order logistic regression model with 6 runs 4 factors (i.e. 5 parameters). ## The priors are those used by Overstall & Woods (2017), i.e. a uniform prior ## distribution is assumed for each parameter. The design space for each coordinate ## is [-1, 1]. set.seed(1) ## Set seed for reproducibility. n<-6 ## Specify the sample size (number of runs). start.d<-matrix(2 * randomLHS(n = n,k = 4) - 1, nrow = n, ncol = 4, dimnames = list(as.character(1:n), c("x1", "x2", "x3", "x4"))) ## Generate an initial design of appropriate dimension. The initial design is a ## Latin hypercube sample. low<-c(-3, 4, 5, -6, -2.5) upp<-c(3, 10, 11, 0, 3.5) ## Lower and upper limits of the uniform prior distributions. prior<-function(B){ t(t(6*matrix(runif(n = 5*B), ncol = 5)) + low)} ## Create a function which specifies the prior. This function will return a ## B by 5 matrix where each row gives a value generated from the prior ## distribution for the model parameters. example<-aceglm(formula = ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4, start.d = start.d, family = binomial, prior = prior , criterion = "D", method= "MC", B = c(1000,1000), N1 = 1, N2 = 0, upper = 1) ## Call the aceglm function which implements the ACE algorithm requesting ## only one iteration of Phase I and zero iterations of Phase II (chosen for ## illustrative purposes). The Monte Carlo sample size for the comparison ## procedure (B[1]) is set to 1000 (chosen again for illustrative purposes). example ## Print out a short summary. #Generalised Linear Model #Criterion = Bayesian D-optimality # #Number of runs = 6 # #Number of factors = 4 # #Number of Phase I iterations = 1 # #Number of Phase II iterations = 0 # #Computer time = 00:00:02 ## The final design found is: example$phase2.d # x1 x2 x3 x4 #1 -0.4735783 0.12870470 -0.75064318 1.0000000 #2 -0.7546841 0.78864527 0.58689270 0.2946728 #3 -0.7463834 0.33548985 -0.93497463 -0.9573198 #4 0.4446617 -0.29735212 0.74040030 0.2182800 #5 0.8459424 -0.41734194 -0.07235575 -0.4823212 #6 0.6731941 0.05742842 1.00000000 -0.1742566
These functions implement the approximate coordinate exchange (ACE) algorithm (Overstall & Woods, 2017) for finding optimal Bayesian experimental designs by maximising an approximation to an intractable expected utility function.
ace(utility, start.d, B, Q = 20, N1 = 20, N2 = 100, lower = -1, upper = 1, limits = NULL, progress = FALSE, binary = FALSE, deterministic = FALSE) acephase1(utility, start.d, B, Q = 20, N1 = 20, lower, upper, limits = NULL, progress = FALSE, binary = FALSE, deterministic = FALSE) acephase2(utility, start.d, B, N2 = 100, progress = FALSE, binary = FALSE, deterministic = FALSE) pace(utility, start.d, B, Q = 20, N1 = 20, N2 = 100, lower = -1, upper = 1, limits = NULL, binary = FALSE, deterministic = FALSE, mc.cores = 1, n.assess = 20)
ace(utility, start.d, B, Q = 20, N1 = 20, N2 = 100, lower = -1, upper = 1, limits = NULL, progress = FALSE, binary = FALSE, deterministic = FALSE) acephase1(utility, start.d, B, Q = 20, N1 = 20, lower, upper, limits = NULL, progress = FALSE, binary = FALSE, deterministic = FALSE) acephase2(utility, start.d, B, N2 = 100, progress = FALSE, binary = FALSE, deterministic = FALSE) pace(utility, start.d, B, Q = 20, N1 = 20, N2 = 100, lower = -1, upper = 1, limits = NULL, binary = FALSE, deterministic = FALSE, mc.cores = 1, n.assess = 20)
utility |
A function with two arguments: For a Monte Carlo approximation ( For a deterministic approximation ( |
start.d |
For For |
B |
An argument for controlling the approximation to the expected utility. For a Monte Carlo approximation ( For a deterministic approximation ( |
Q |
An integer specifying the number of evaluations of the approximate expected utility that are used to fit the Gaussian process emulator. The default value is |
N1 |
An integer specifying the number of iterations of Phase I of the ACE algorithm (the coordinate exchange phase).
The default value is |
N2 |
An integer specifying the number of iterations of Phase II of the ACE algorithm (the point exchange phase).
The default value is |
lower |
An argument specifying the bounds on the design space. This argument can either be a scalar or a matrix of the same dimension as the argument |
upper |
An argument specifying the bounds on the design space. This argument can either be a scalar or a matrix of the same dimension as the argument |
limits |
An argument specifying the grid over which to maximise the Gaussian process emulator for the expected utility function. It should be a function with three arguments: |
progress |
A logical argument indicating whether the iteration number and other information detailing the progress of the algorithm should be printed. The default value is |
binary |
A logical argument indicating whether the utility function has binary or continuous output. In some cases, the utility function is an indicator function of some event giving binary output. The expected utility function will then be the expected posterior probability of the event. Utility functions such as Shannon information gain and negative squared error loss give continuous output. The type of output guides the choice of comparison procedure used in the ACE algorithm. The default value is |
deterministic |
A logical argument indicating if a Monte Carlo ( |
mc.cores |
The number of cores to use, i.e. at most how many child processes will be run simultaneously. Must be at least one (the default), and parallelisation requires at least two cores. See |
n.assess |
If |
Finding an optimal Bayesian experimental design (Chaloner & Verdinelli, 1995) involves maximising an objective function given by the expectation of some appropriately chosen utility function with respect to the joint distribution of unknown quantities (including responses). This objective function is usually not available in closed form and the design space can be continuous and of high dimensionality.
Overstall & Woods (2017) proposed the approximate coordinate exchange (ACE) algorithm to approximately maximise the expectation of the utility function. ACE consists of two phases.
Phase I uses a continuous version of the coordinate exchange algorithm (Meyer &
Nachtsheim, 1995) to maximise an approximation to the expected utility. Very briefly,
the approximate expected utility is sequentially maximised over each one-dimensional element
of the design space. The approximate expected utility is given by the predictive mean of a
Gaussian process (GP) regression model (also known as an emulator or surrogate) fitted
to a 'small' number (argument Q
) of evaluations of either a Monte Carlo (MC) or deterministic (e.g. quadrature) approximation to the expected utility (the MC sample size or arguments for the deterministic approximation are given by B
). A GP
emulator is a statistical model and, similar to all statistical models, can be an
inadequate representation of the underlying process (i.e. the expected utility).
Instead of automatically accepting the new design given by the value that maximises
the GP emulator, for MC approximations a Bayesian hypothesis test, independent of the GP emulator, is
performed to assess whether the expected utility of the new design is larger than the
current design. For deterministic approximations, the approximate expected utility is calculated for the new design, and compared to that for the current design.
Phase I tends to produce clusters of design points. This is where, for example, two design points are separated by small Euclidean distance. Phase II allows these points to be consolidated into a single repeated design point by using a point exchange algorithm (e.g Gotwalt et al., 2009) with a candidate set given by the final design from Phase I. In the same way as Phase I, comparisons of the expected loss between two designs is made on the basis of either a Bayesian hypothesis test or a direct comparison of deterministic approximations.
The original Bayesian hypothesis test proposed by Overstall & Woods (2017) is
appropriate for utility functions with continuous output. Overstall et al. (2017)
extended the idea to utility functions with binary output, e.g. the utility
function is an indicator function for some event. The type of test can be specified by
the argument binary
Similar to all coordinate exchange algorithms, ACE should be repeated from different initial designs. The function
will implement this where the initial designs are given by a list via the argument start.d
. On the completion
of the repetitions of ACE, pace
will approximate the expected utility for all final designs and return the design (the terminal design) with the
largest approximate expected utility.
The function will return an object of class "ace"
(for functions ace
, acephase1
and acephase2
) or "pace"
(for function "pace"
) which is a list with the following components:
utility |
The argument |
start.d |
The argument |
phase1.d |
The design found from Phase I of the ACE algorithm (only for |
phase2.d |
The design found from Phase II of the ACE algorithm (only for |
phase1.trace |
A vector containing the approximated expected utility of the current design at each stage of Phase I of the ACE algorithm. This can be used to assess convergence for MC approximations.
If For |
phase2.trace |
A vector containing the approximated expected utility of the current design at each stage of Phase II of the ACE algorithm. This can be used to assess convergence for MC approximations.
If For |
B |
The argument |
Q |
The argument |
N1 |
The argument |
N2 |
The argument |
glm |
If the object is a result of a direct call to |
nlm |
If the object is a result of a direct call to |
criterion |
If the object is a result of a direct call to |
prior |
If the object is a result of a direct call to |
time |
Computational time (in seconds) to run the ACE algorithm. |
binary |
The argument |
deterministic |
The argument |
d |
The terminal design ( |
eval |
If If |
final.d |
A list of the same length as the argument |
besti |
A scalar indicating which repetition of the ACE algorithm resulted in the terminal design ( |
For more details on the R
implementation of the utility function used in the Examples section, see utilcomp18bad
Antony M. Overstall [email protected], David C. Woods, Maria Adamou & Damianos Michaelides
Chaloner, K. & Verdinelli, I. (1995). Bayesian Experimental Design: A Review. Statistical Science, 10, 273-304.
Gotwalt, C., Jones, B. & Steinberg, D. (2009). Fast Computation of Designs Robust to Parameter Uncertainty for Nonlinear Settings. Technometrics, 51, 88-95.
Meyer, R. & Nachtsheim, C. (1995). The Coordinate Exchange Algorithm for Constructing Exact Optimal Experimental Designs. Technometrics, 37, 60-69.
Overstall, A.M. & Woods, D.C. (2017). Bayesian design of experiments using approximate coordinate exchange. Technometrics, 59, 458-470.
Overstall, A.M., McGree, J.M. & Drovandi, C.C. (2018). An approach for finding fully Bayesian optimal designs using normal-based approximations to loss functions. Statistics and Computing, 28(2), 343-358.
set.seed(1) ## Set seed for reproducibility. ## This example involves finding a pseudo-Bayesian D-optimal design for a ## compartmental model with n = 18 runs. There are three parameters. ## Two parameters have uniform priors and the third has a prior ## point mass. For more details see Overstall & Woods (2017). start.d<-optimumLHS(n = 18, k = 1) ## Create an initial design. ## Using a MC approximation example1<-ace(utility = utilcomp18bad, start.d = start.d, N1 = 1, N2 = 2, B = c(100, 20)) ## Implement the ACE algorithm with 1 Phase I iterations and 2 Phase II ## iterations. The Monte Carlo sample sizes are 100 (for comparison) and 20 for ## fitting the GP emulator. example1 ## Produce a short summary. #User-defined model & utility # #Number of runs = 18 # #Number of factors = 1 # #Number of Phase I iterations = 1 # #Number of Phase II iterations = 2 # #Computer time = 00:00:00 mean(utilcomp18bad(d = example1$phase2.d, B = 100)) ## Calculate an approximation to the expected utility for the final design. ## Should get: #[1] 9.254198 ## Not run: plot(example1) ## Produces a trace plot of the current value of the expected utility. This ## can be used to assess convergence. ## End(Not run)
set.seed(1) ## Set seed for reproducibility. ## This example involves finding a pseudo-Bayesian D-optimal design for a ## compartmental model with n = 18 runs. There are three parameters. ## Two parameters have uniform priors and the third has a prior ## point mass. For more details see Overstall & Woods (2017). start.d<-optimumLHS(n = 18, k = 1) ## Create an initial design. ## Using a MC approximation example1<-ace(utility = utilcomp18bad, start.d = start.d, N1 = 1, N2 = 2, B = c(100, 20)) ## Implement the ACE algorithm with 1 Phase I iterations and 2 Phase II ## iterations. The Monte Carlo sample sizes are 100 (for comparison) and 20 for ## fitting the GP emulator. example1 ## Produce a short summary. #User-defined model & utility # #Number of runs = 18 # #Number of factors = 1 # #Number of Phase I iterations = 1 # #Number of Phase II iterations = 2 # #Computer time = 00:00:00 mean(utilcomp18bad(d = example1$phase2.d, B = 100)) ## Calculate an approximation to the expected utility for the final design. ## Should get: #[1] 9.254198 ## Not run: plot(example1) ## Produces a trace plot of the current value of the expected utility. This ## can be used to assess convergence. ## End(Not run)
Functions implementing the approximate coordinate exchange (ACE) algorithm (Overstall & Woods, 2017) for finding Bayesian optimal experimental designs for generalised linear models (GLMs).
aceglm(formula, start.d, family, prior, B, criterion = c("D", "A", "E", "SIG", "NSEL", "SIG-Norm", "NSEL-Norm"), method = c("quadrature", "MC"), Q = 20, N1 = 20, N2 = 100, lower = -1, upper = 1, progress = FALSE, limits = NULL) paceglm(formula, start.d, family, prior, B, criterion = c("D", "A", "E", "SIG", "NSEL", "SIG-Norm", "NSEL-Norm"), method = c("quadrature", "MC"), Q = 20, N1 = 20, N2 = 100, lower = -1, upper = 1, limits = NULL, mc.cores = 1, n.assess = 20)
aceglm(formula, start.d, family, prior, B, criterion = c("D", "A", "E", "SIG", "NSEL", "SIG-Norm", "NSEL-Norm"), method = c("quadrature", "MC"), Q = 20, N1 = 20, N2 = 100, lower = -1, upper = 1, progress = FALSE, limits = NULL) paceglm(formula, start.d, family, prior, B, criterion = c("D", "A", "E", "SIG", "NSEL", "SIG-Norm", "NSEL-Norm"), method = c("quadrature", "MC"), Q = 20, N1 = 20, N2 = 100, lower = -1, upper = 1, limits = NULL, mc.cores = 1, n.assess = 20)
formula |
An object of class |
start.d |
For For |
family |
A description of the error distribution and link function to be used in the model. This can be a character string naming a family function, a family function or the result of a call to a family function. (See |
prior |
An argument specifying the prior distribution. For For |
B |
An optional argument for controlling the approximation to the expected utility. It should be a vector of length two. For For |
criterion |
An optional character argument specifying the utility function. There are currently seven utility functions implemented as follows:
If left unspecified, the default is |
method |
An optional character argument specifying the method of approximating the expected utility function. Current choices are |
Q |
An integer specifying the number of evaluations of the approximate expected utility that are used to fit the Gaussian process emulator. The default value is |
N1 |
An integer specifying the number of iterations of Phase I of the ACE algorithm (the coordinate exchange phase).
The default value is |
N2 |
An integer specifying the number of iterations of Phase II of the ACE algorithm (the point exchange phase).
The default value is |
lower |
An argument specifying the design space. This argument can either be a scalar or a matrix of the same dimension as the argument |
upper |
An argument specifying the design space. This argument can either be a scalar or a matrix of the same dimension as the argument |
progress |
A logical argument indicating whether the iteration number and other information detailing the progress of the algorithm should be printed. The default value is |
limits |
An argument specifying the grid over which to maximise the Gaussian process emulator for the expected utility function. It should be a function with three arguments: |
mc.cores |
The number of cores to use, i.e. at most how many child processes will be run simultaneously. Must be at least one (the default), and parallelisation requires at least two cores. See |
n.assess |
If |
The aceglm
function implements the ACE algorithm to find designs for the class of generalised linear models (GLMs) for certain cases of utility function meaning the user does not have to write their own utility function.
Two utility functions are implemented.
Shannon information gain (SIG)
The utility function is
where and
denote the posterior and prior densities of the parameters
, respectively.
Negative squared error loss (NSEL)
The utility function is
where denotes the posterior mean of
In both cases the utility function is not available in closed form due to the analytical intractability of either the posterior distribution (for SIG) or the posterior mean (for NSEL). The acebayes
package implements two approximations to both utility functions. If criterion = "SIG"
or criterion = "NSEL"
then sampling-based Monte Carlo or importance sampling approximations will be employed. This was the original approach used by Overstall & Woods (2017). If criterion = "SIG-Norm"
or criterion = "NSEL-Norm"
then approximations based on approximate normality of the posterior (Overstall et al., 2017) will be used.
The normal approximation to the posterior can be taken further leading to the approximation by some scalar function of the Fisher information matrix, , which only depends on
(Chaloner & Verdinelli, 1995). In the case of SIG, the approximate utility is given by
and the resulting design is typically called pseudo-Bayesian D-optimal. For NSEL, the approximate utility is given by
with the resulting design termed pseudo-Bayesian A-optimal. These designs are often used under the frequentist approach to optimal experimental design and so to complete the usual set, the following utility for finding a pseudo-Bayesian E-optimal design is also implemented:
where denotes the function that calculates the eigenvalues of its argument.
The expected utilities can be approximated using Monte Carlo methods (method = "MC"
for all criteria) or using a deterministic quadrature method (method = "quadrature"
, implemented for the D, A and E criteria). The former approach approximates the expected utility via sampling from the prior. The latter approach uses a radial-spherical integration rule (Monahan and Genz, 1997) and B[1]
specifies the number, , of radial abscissas and
specifies the number, , of random rotations. Larger values of
will produce more accurate, but also more computationally expensive, approximations. See Gotwalt et al. (2009) for further details.
Note that the utility functions for SIG and NSEL are currently only implemented for logistic regression, i.e. family = binomial
, or Poisson regression, i.e. family = poisson(link="log")
, whereas the utility functions for pseudo-Bayesian designs are implemented for generic GLM families.
Similar to all coordinate exchange algorithms, ACE should be repeated from different initial designs. The function
will implement this where the initial designs are given by a list via the argument start.d
. On the completion
of the repetitions of ACE, paceglm
will approximate the expected utility for all final designs and return the design (the terminal design) with the
largest approximate expected utility.
For more details on the ACE algorithm, see Overstall & Woods (2017).
The function will return an object of class "ace"
(for aceglm
) or "pace"
(for paceglm
) which is a list with the following components:
utility |
The utility function resulting from the choice of arguments. |
start.d |
The argument |
phase1.d |
The design found from Phase I of the ACE algorithm. |
phase2.d |
The design found from Phase II of the ACE algorithm. |
phase1.trace |
A vector containing the evaluations of the approximate expected utility of the current design at each stage of Phase I of the ACE algorithm. This can be used to assess convergence. |
phase2.trace |
A vector containing the evaluations of the approximate expected utility of the current design at each stage of Phase II of the ACE algorithm. This can be used to assess convergence. |
B |
The argument |
Q |
The argument |
N1 |
The argument |
N2 |
The argument |
glm |
If the object is a result of a direct call to |
nlm |
This will be |
criterion |
If the object is a result of a direct call to |
method |
If the object is a result of a direct call to |
prior |
If the object is a result of a direct call to |
family |
If the object is a result of a direct call to |
formula |
If the object is a result of a direct call to |
time |
Computational time (in seconds) to run the ACE algorithm. |
binary |
The argument |
d |
The terminal design ( |
eval |
If If |
final.d |
A list of the same length as the argument |
besti |
A scalar indicating which repetition of the ACE algorithm resulted in the terminal design ( |
These are wrapper functions for ace
and pace
Antony M. Overstall [email protected], David C. Woods, Maria Adamou & Damianos Michaelides
Chaloner, K. & Verdinelli, I. (1995). Bayesian experimental design: a review. Statistical Science, 10, 273-304.
Gotwalt, C. M., Jones, B. A. & Steinberg, D. M. (2009). Fast computation of designs robust to parameter uncertainty for nonlinear settings. Technometrics, 51, 88-95.
Meyer, R. & Nachtsheim, C. (1995). The coordinate exchange algorithm for constructing exact optimal experimental designs. Technometrics, 37, 60-69.
Monahan, J. and Genz, A. (1997). Spherical-radial integration rules for Bayesian computation,” Journal of the American Statistical Association, 92, 664–674.
Overstall, A.M. & Woods, D.C. (2017). Bayesian design of experiments using approximate coordinate exchange. Technometrics, 59, 458-470.
Overstall, A.M., McGree, J.M. & Drovandi, C.C. (2018). An approach for finding fully Bayesian optimal designs using normal-based approximations to loss functions. Statistics and Computing, 28(2), 343-358.
## This example uses aceglm to find a Bayesian D-optimal design for a ## first order logistic regression model with 6 runs 4 factors. The priors are ## those used by Overstall & Woods (2017), with each of the five ## parameters having a uniform prior. The design space for each coordinate is [-1, 1]. set.seed(1) ## Set seed for reproducibility. n<-6 ## Specify the sample size (number of runs). start.d<-matrix(2 * randomLHS(n = n,k = 4) - 1,nrow = n,ncol = 4, dimnames = list(as.character(1:n), c("x1", "x2", "x3", "x4"))) ## Generate an initial design of appropriate dimension. The initial design is a ## Latin hypercube sample. low<-c(-3, 4, 5, -6, -2.5) upp<-c(3, 10, 11, 0, 3.5) ## Lower and upper limits of the uniform prior distributions. prior<-function(B){ t(t(6*matrix(runif(n = 5 * B),ncol = 5)) + low)} ## Create a function which specifies the prior. This function will return a ## B by 5 matrix where each row gives a value generated from the prior ## distribution for the model parameters. example1<-aceglm(formula=~x1+x2+x3+x4, start.d = start.d, family = binomial, prior = prior, method = "MC", N1 = 1, N2 = 0, B = c(1000, 1000)) ## Call the aceglm function which implements the ACE algorithm requesting ## only one iteration of Phase I and zero iterations of Phase II. The Monte ## Carlo sample size for the comparison procedure (B[1]) is set to 100. example1 ## Print out a short summary. #Generalised Linear Model #Criterion = Bayesian D-optimality #Formula: ~x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 # #Family: binomial #Link function: logit # #Method: MC # #B: 1000 1000 # #Number of runs = 6 # #Number of factors = 4 # #Number of Phase I iterations = 1 # #Number of Phase II iterations = 0 # #Computer time = 00:00:01 example1$phase2.d ## Look at the final design. # x1 x2 x3 x4 #1 -0.4735783 0.12870470 -0.75064318 1.0000000 #2 -0.7546841 0.78864527 0.58689270 0.2946728 #3 -0.7463834 0.33548985 -0.93497463 -0.9573198 #4 0.4446617 -0.29735212 0.74040030 0.2182800 #5 0.8459424 -0.41734194 -0.07235575 -0.4823212 #6 0.6731941 0.05742842 1.00000000 -0.1742566 prior2 <- list(support = rbind(low, upp)) ## A list specifying the parameters of the uniform prior distribution example2<-aceglm(formula = ~ x1 +x2 + x3 + x4, start.d = start.d, family = binomial, prior = prior2, N1 = 1, N2 = 0) ## Call the aceglm function with the default method of "quadrature" example2$phase2.d ## Final design # x1 x2 x3 x4 #1 -0.4647271 0.07880018 -0.94648750 1.0000000 #2 -0.7102715 0.79827332 0.59848578 0.5564422 #3 -0.7645090 0.39778176 -0.74342036 -1.0000000 #4 0.4514632 -0.33687477 0.55066110 0.3994593 #5 0.7913559 -0.41856994 0.01321035 -0.8848135 #6 0.6337306 0.11578522 1.00000000 1.0000000 mean(example1$utility(d = example1$phase2.d, B = 20000)) #[1] -11.61105 mean(example2$utility(d = example2$phase2.d, B = 20000)) #[1] -11.19737 ## Compare the two designs using the Monte Carlo approximation
## This example uses aceglm to find a Bayesian D-optimal design for a ## first order logistic regression model with 6 runs 4 factors. The priors are ## those used by Overstall & Woods (2017), with each of the five ## parameters having a uniform prior. The design space for each coordinate is [-1, 1]. set.seed(1) ## Set seed for reproducibility. n<-6 ## Specify the sample size (number of runs). start.d<-matrix(2 * randomLHS(n = n,k = 4) - 1,nrow = n,ncol = 4, dimnames = list(as.character(1:n), c("x1", "x2", "x3", "x4"))) ## Generate an initial design of appropriate dimension. The initial design is a ## Latin hypercube sample. low<-c(-3, 4, 5, -6, -2.5) upp<-c(3, 10, 11, 0, 3.5) ## Lower and upper limits of the uniform prior distributions. prior<-function(B){ t(t(6*matrix(runif(n = 5 * B),ncol = 5)) + low)} ## Create a function which specifies the prior. This function will return a ## B by 5 matrix where each row gives a value generated from the prior ## distribution for the model parameters. example1<-aceglm(formula=~x1+x2+x3+x4, start.d = start.d, family = binomial, prior = prior, method = "MC", N1 = 1, N2 = 0, B = c(1000, 1000)) ## Call the aceglm function which implements the ACE algorithm requesting ## only one iteration of Phase I and zero iterations of Phase II. The Monte ## Carlo sample size for the comparison procedure (B[1]) is set to 100. example1 ## Print out a short summary. #Generalised Linear Model #Criterion = Bayesian D-optimality #Formula: ~x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 # #Family: binomial #Link function: logit # #Method: MC # #B: 1000 1000 # #Number of runs = 6 # #Number of factors = 4 # #Number of Phase I iterations = 1 # #Number of Phase II iterations = 0 # #Computer time = 00:00:01 example1$phase2.d ## Look at the final design. # x1 x2 x3 x4 #1 -0.4735783 0.12870470 -0.75064318 1.0000000 #2 -0.7546841 0.78864527 0.58689270 0.2946728 #3 -0.7463834 0.33548985 -0.93497463 -0.9573198 #4 0.4446617 -0.29735212 0.74040030 0.2182800 #5 0.8459424 -0.41734194 -0.07235575 -0.4823212 #6 0.6731941 0.05742842 1.00000000 -0.1742566 prior2 <- list(support = rbind(low, upp)) ## A list specifying the parameters of the uniform prior distribution example2<-aceglm(formula = ~ x1 +x2 + x3 + x4, start.d = start.d, family = binomial, prior = prior2, N1 = 1, N2 = 0) ## Call the aceglm function with the default method of "quadrature" example2$phase2.d ## Final design # x1 x2 x3 x4 #1 -0.4647271 0.07880018 -0.94648750 1.0000000 #2 -0.7102715 0.79827332 0.59848578 0.5564422 #3 -0.7645090 0.39778176 -0.74342036 -1.0000000 #4 0.4514632 -0.33687477 0.55066110 0.3994593 #5 0.7913559 -0.41856994 0.01321035 -0.8848135 #6 0.6337306 0.11578522 1.00000000 1.0000000 mean(example1$utility(d = example1$phase2.d, B = 20000)) #[1] -11.61105 mean(example2$utility(d = example2$phase2.d, B = 20000)) #[1] -11.19737 ## Compare the two designs using the Monte Carlo approximation
Functions implementing the approximate coordinate exchange algorithm (Overstall & Woods, 2017) for finding optimal Bayesian designs for non-linear regression models.
acenlm(formula, start.d, prior, B, criterion = c("D", "A", "E", "SIG", "NSEL"), method = c("quadrature", "MC"), Q = 20, N1 = 20, N2 = 100, lower = -1, upper = 1, progress = FALSE, limits = NULL) pacenlm(formula, start.d, prior, B, criterion = c("D", "A", "E", "SIG", "NSEL"), method = c("quadrature", "MC"), Q = 20, N1 = 20, N2 = 100, lower = -1, upper = 1, limits = NULL, mc.cores = 1, n.assess = 20)
acenlm(formula, start.d, prior, B, criterion = c("D", "A", "E", "SIG", "NSEL"), method = c("quadrature", "MC"), Q = 20, N1 = 20, N2 = 100, lower = -1, upper = 1, progress = FALSE, limits = NULL) pacenlm(formula, start.d, prior, B, criterion = c("D", "A", "E", "SIG", "NSEL"), method = c("quadrature", "MC"), Q = 20, N1 = 20, N2 = 100, lower = -1, upper = 1, limits = NULL, mc.cores = 1, n.assess = 20)
formula |
An object of class |
start.d |
For For |
prior |
An argument specifying the prior distribution. For For |
B |
An optional argument for controlling the approximation to the expected utility. It should be a vector of length two. For For |
criterion |
An optional character argument specifying the utility function. There are currently five utility functions implemented consisting of
The default value is |
method |
An optional character argument specifying the method of approximating the expected utility function. Current choices are |
Q |
An integer specifying the number of evaluations of the approximate expected utility that are used to fit the Gaussian process emulator. The default value is |
N1 |
An integer specifying the number of iterations of Phase I of the ACE algorithm (the coordinate exchange phase).
The default value is |
N2 |
An integer specifying the number of iterations of Phase II of the ACE algorithm (the point exchange phase).
The default value is |
lower |
An argument specifying the design space. This argument can either be a scalar or a matrix of the same dimension as the argument |
upper |
An argument specifying the design space. This argument can either be a scalar or a matrix of the same dimension as the argument |
progress |
A logical argument indicating whether the iteration number should be printed. The default value is |
limits |
An argument specifying the grid over which to maximise the Gaussian process emulator for the expected utility function. It should be a function with three arguments: |
mc.cores |
The number of cores to use, i.e. at most how many child processes will be run simultaneously. Must be at least one (the default), and parallelisation requires at least two cores. See |
n.assess |
If |
The acenlm
function implements the ACE algorithm to find designs for general classes of nonlinear regression models with identically and independently normally distributed errors meaning the user does not have to write their own utility function.
Two utility functions are implemented.
Shannon information gain (SIG)
The utility function is
where and
denote the posterior and prior densities of the parameters
, respectively.
Negative squared error loss (NSEL)
The utility function is
where denotes the posterior mean of
In both cases the utility function is not available in closed form due to the analytical intractability of either the posterior distribution (for SIG) or the posterior mean (for NSEL). Sampling-based Monte Carlo or importance sampling approximations will be employed. This was the original approach used by Overstall & Woods (2017).
A normal approximation to the posterior can be taken leading to the approximation by some scalar function of the Fisher information matrix, , which only depends on
(Chaloner & Verdinelli, 1995). In the case of SIG, the approximate utility is given by
and the resulting design is typically called pseudo-Bayesian D-optimal. For NSEL, the approximate utility is given by
with the resulting design termed pseudo-Bayesian A-optimal. These designs are often used under the frequentist approach to optimal experimental design and so to complete the usual set, the following utility for finding a pseudo-Bayesian E-optimal design is also implemented:
where denotes the function that calculates the eigenvalues of its argument.
The expected utilities can be approximated using Monte Carlo methods (method = "MC"
for all criteria) or using a deterministic quadrature method (method = "quadrature"
, implemented for the D, A and E criteria). The former approach approximates the expected utility via sampling from the prior. The latter approach uses a radial-spherical integration rule (Monahan and Genz, 1997) and B[1]
specifies the number, , of radial abscissas and
specifies the number, , of random rotations. Larger values of
will produce more accurate, but also more computationally expensive, approximations. See Gotwalt et al. (2009) for further details.
Similar to all coordinate exchange algorithms, ACE should be repeated from different initial designs. The function
will implement this where the initial designs are given by a list via the argument start.d
. On the completion
of the repetitions of ACE, pacenlm
will approximate the expected utility for all final designs and return the design (the terminal design) with the
largest approximate expected utility.
For more details on the ACE algorithm, see Overstall & Woods (2017).
The function will return an object of class "ace"
(for acenlm
) or "pace"
(for pacenlm
) which is a list with the following components:
utility |
The utility function resulting from the choice of arguments. |
start.d |
The argument |
phase1.d |
The design found from Phase I of the ACE algorithm. |
phase2.d |
The design found from Phase II of the ACE algorithm. |
phase1.trace |
A vector containing the evaluations of the approximate expected utility of the current design at each stage of Phase I of the ACE algorithm. This can be used to assess convergence. |
phase2.trace |
A vector containing the evaluations of the approximate expected utility of the current design at each stage of Phase II of the ACE algorithm. This can be used to assess convergence. |
B |
The argument |
Q |
The argument |
N1 |
The argument |
N2 |
The argument |
glm |
This will be |
nlm |
If the object is a result of a direct call to |
criterion |
If the object is a result of a direct call to |
method |
If the object is a result of a direct call to |
prior |
If the object is a result of a direct call to |
formula |
If the object is a result of a direct call to |
time |
Computational time (in seconds) to run the ACE algorithm. |
binary |
The argument |
d |
The terminal design ( |
eval |
If If |
final.d |
A list of the same length as the argument |
besti |
A scalar indicating which repetition of the ACE algorithm resulted in the terminal design ( |
These are wrapper functions for ace
and pace
Antony M. Overstall [email protected], David C. Woods, Maria Adamou & Damianos Michaelides
Chaloner, K. & Verdinelli, I. (1995). Bayesian experimental design: a review. Statistical Science, 10, 273-304.
Gotwalt, C. M., Jones, B. A. & Steinberg, D. M. (2009). Fast computation of designs robust to parameter uncertainty for nonlinear settings. Technometrics, 51, 88-95.
Meyer, R. & Nachtsheim, C. (1995). The coordinate exchange algorithm for constructing exact optimal experimental designs. Technometrics, 37, 60-69.
Monahan, J. and Genz, A. (1997). Spherical-radial integration rules for Bayesian computation,” Journal of the American Statistical Association, 92, 664–674.
Overstall, A.M. & Woods, D.C. (2017). Bayesian design of experiments using approximate coordinate exchange. Technometrics, 59, 458-470.
## This example uses aceglm to find a Bayesian D-optimal design for a ## compartmental model with 6 runs 1 factor. The priors are ## those used by Overstall & Woods (2017). The design space for each ## coordinate is [0, 24] hours. set.seed(1) ## Set seed for reproducibility. n<-6 ## Specify the sample size (number of runs). start.d<-matrix(24 * randomLHS(n = n, k = 1), nrow = n, ncol = 1, dimnames = list(as.character(1:n), c("t"))) ## Generate an initial design of appropriate dimension. The initial design is a ## Latin hypercube sample. low<-c(0.01884, 0.298, 21.8) upp<-c(0.09884, 8.298, 21.8) ## Lower and upper limits of the support of the uniform prior distributions. Note that the prior ## for the third element is a point mass. prior<-function(B){ out<-cbind(runif(n = B, min = low[1], max = upp[1]), runif(n = B, min = low[2],max = upp[2]), runif(n = B, min = low[3], max = upp[3])) colnames(out)<-c("a", "b", "c") out} ## Create a function which specifies the prior. This function will return a ## B by 3 matrix where each row gives a value generated from the prior ## distribution for the model parameters. example1<-acenlm(formula = ~ c*(exp( - a * t) - exp( - b * t)), start.d = start.d, prior = prior, N1 = 1, N2 = 0, B = c(1000, 1000), lower = 0, upper = 24, method = "MC") ## Call the acenlm function which implements the ACE algorithm requesting ## only one iteration of Phase I and zero iterations of Phase II. The Monte ## Carlo sample size for the comparison procedure (B[1]) is set to 1000. example1 ## Print out a short summary. #Non Linear Model #Criterion = Bayesian D-optimality #Formula: ~c * (exp(-a * t) - exp(-b * t)) #Method: MC # #B: 1000 1000 # #Number of runs = 6 # #Number of factors = 1 # #Number of Phase I iterations = 1 # #Number of Phase II iterations = 0 # #Computer time = 00:00:00 example1$phase2.d ## Look at the final design. # t #1 19.7787011 #2 2.6431912 #3 0.2356938 #4 8.2471451 #5 1.4742319 #6 12.7062270 prior2 <- list(support = cbind(rbind(low, upp))) colnames(prior2$support) <- c("a", "b", "c") example2 <- acenlm(formula = ~ c * (exp( - a * t) - exp( - b *t)), start.d = start.d, prior = prior2, lower = 0, upper = 24, N1 = 1, N2 = 0 ) ## Call the acenlm function with the default method of "quadrature" example2$phase2.d ## Final design # t #1 0.5167335 #2 2.3194434 #3 1.5365409 #4 8.2471451 #5 21.9402670 #6 12.7062270 utility <- utilitynlm(formula = ~c * (exp( - a * t) - exp( - b *t)), prior = prior, desvars = "t", method = "MC" )$utility ## create a utility function to compare designs mean(utility(example1$phase1.d, B = 20000)) #[1] 12.13773 mean(utility(example2$phase1.d, B = 20000)) #[1] 11.19745 ## Compare the two designs using the Monte Carlo approximation
## This example uses aceglm to find a Bayesian D-optimal design for a ## compartmental model with 6 runs 1 factor. The priors are ## those used by Overstall & Woods (2017). The design space for each ## coordinate is [0, 24] hours. set.seed(1) ## Set seed for reproducibility. n<-6 ## Specify the sample size (number of runs). start.d<-matrix(24 * randomLHS(n = n, k = 1), nrow = n, ncol = 1, dimnames = list(as.character(1:n), c("t"))) ## Generate an initial design of appropriate dimension. The initial design is a ## Latin hypercube sample. low<-c(0.01884, 0.298, 21.8) upp<-c(0.09884, 8.298, 21.8) ## Lower and upper limits of the support of the uniform prior distributions. Note that the prior ## for the third element is a point mass. prior<-function(B){ out<-cbind(runif(n = B, min = low[1], max = upp[1]), runif(n = B, min = low[2],max = upp[2]), runif(n = B, min = low[3], max = upp[3])) colnames(out)<-c("a", "b", "c") out} ## Create a function which specifies the prior. This function will return a ## B by 3 matrix where each row gives a value generated from the prior ## distribution for the model parameters. example1<-acenlm(formula = ~ c*(exp( - a * t) - exp( - b * t)), start.d = start.d, prior = prior, N1 = 1, N2 = 0, B = c(1000, 1000), lower = 0, upper = 24, method = "MC") ## Call the acenlm function which implements the ACE algorithm requesting ## only one iteration of Phase I and zero iterations of Phase II. The Monte ## Carlo sample size for the comparison procedure (B[1]) is set to 1000. example1 ## Print out a short summary. #Non Linear Model #Criterion = Bayesian D-optimality #Formula: ~c * (exp(-a * t) - exp(-b * t)) #Method: MC # #B: 1000 1000 # #Number of runs = 6 # #Number of factors = 1 # #Number of Phase I iterations = 1 # #Number of Phase II iterations = 0 # #Computer time = 00:00:00 example1$phase2.d ## Look at the final design. # t #1 19.7787011 #2 2.6431912 #3 0.2356938 #4 8.2471451 #5 1.4742319 #6 12.7062270 prior2 <- list(support = cbind(rbind(low, upp))) colnames(prior2$support) <- c("a", "b", "c") example2 <- acenlm(formula = ~ c * (exp( - a * t) - exp( - b *t)), start.d = start.d, prior = prior2, lower = 0, upper = 24, N1 = 1, N2 = 0 ) ## Call the acenlm function with the default method of "quadrature" example2$phase2.d ## Final design # t #1 0.5167335 #2 2.3194434 #3 1.5365409 #4 8.2471451 #5 21.9402670 #6 12.7062270 utility <- utilitynlm(formula = ~c * (exp( - a * t) - exp( - b *t)), prior = prior, desvars = "t", method = "MC" )$utility ## create a utility function to compare designs mean(utility(example1$phase1.d, B = 20000)) #[1] 12.13773 mean(utility(example2$phase1.d, B = 20000)) #[1] 11.19745 ## Compare the two designs using the Monte Carlo approximation
and pace
These functions print and summarise objects of class "ace"
or "pace"
## S3 method for class 'ace' print(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'ace' summary(object, ...) ## S3 method for class 'pace' print(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'pace' summary(object, ...)
## S3 method for class 'ace' print(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'ace' summary(object, ...) ## S3 method for class 'pace' print(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'pace' summary(object, ...)
x |
An object of class |
object |
An object of class |
... |
Arguments to be passed to and from other methods. |
If the object is a result of a direct call to aceglm
, acenlm
, paceglm
, or pacenlm
, then the argument criterion
will be printed, otherwise the statement User-defined utility
will be printed.
Also printed are the number of repetitions ("pace"
objects only), runs, factors, Phase I and II iterations of the ACE algorithm and the computational time required.
For more details on the ACE algorithm, see Overstall & Woods (2017).
For examples see ace
, aceglm
, and acenlm
Antony M. Overstall [email protected], David C. Woods, Maria Adamou & Damianos Michaelides
Overstall, A.M. & Woods, D.C. (2017). Bayesian design of experiments using approximate coordinate exchange. Technometrics, 59, 458-470.
, aceglm
, acenlm
, pace
, paceglm
, pacenlm
Calculates approximations to the expected utility for two designs.
assess(d1, d2, ...) ## S3 method for class 'ace' assess(d1, d2, B = NULL, n.assess = 20, relative = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'pace' assess(d1, d2, B = NULL, n.assess = 20, relative = TRUE, ...)
assess(d1, d2, ...) ## S3 method for class 'ace' assess(d1, d2, B = NULL, n.assess = 20, relative = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'pace' assess(d1, d2, B = NULL, n.assess = 20, relative = TRUE, ...)
d1 , d2
B |
An optional argument for controlling the approximation to the expected utility (see |
n.assess |
If |
relative |
An optional argument, for when |
... |
Arguments to be passed to and from other methods. |
In the case of when d1
was generated from a call to (p)ace
with argument deterministic = FALSE
or from a call to (p)aceglm
or (p)acenlm
with argument method
being "MC"
, n.assess
evaluations of the stochastic approximation to the expected utility will be calculated for each of the designs from d1
and d2
. Otherwise, one evaluation of the deterministic approximation to the expected utility will be calculated for each of the designs from d1
and d2
In the case when d1
was generated as a call to (p)aceglm
or (p)acenlm
with argument criterion
being "A"
, "D"
or "E"
, the relative D-, E-, or A-efficiency of the two designs will be calculated. The direction of the relative efficiency can be controlled by the relative
The function will an object of class "assess"
which is a list with the following components:
U1 |
In the case of when |
U2 |
In the case of when |
eff |
In the case when |
d1 |
The argument |
d2 |
The argument |
Antony M. Overstall [email protected], David C. Woods, Maria Adamou & Damianos Michaelides
, pace
, aceglm
, acenlm
, paceglm
, pacenlm
## This example involves finding a Bayesian D-optimal design for a ## compartmental model with n = 18 runs. There are three parameters. ## Two parameters have uniform priors and the third has a prior ## point mass. n <- 18 k <- 1 p <- 3 set.seed(1) start.d <- randomLHS(n = n, k = k) * 24 colnames(start.d) <- c("t") a1<-c(0.01884, 0.298) a2<-c(0.09884, 8.298) prior <- list(support = cbind(rbind(a1, a2), c(21.8, 21.8))) colnames(prior[[1]]) <- c("theta1", "theta2", "theta3") example <- acenlm(formula = ~ theta3 * (exp( - theta1 * t) - exp( - theta2 * t)), start.d = start.d, prior = prior, lower = 0, upper = 24, N1 = 2, N2 = 0) ## Compute efficiency of final design compared to starting design. assess(d1 = example, d2 = start.d) ## Should get # Approximate expected utility of d1 = 15.40583 # Approximate expected utility of d2 = 11.26968 # Approximate relative D-efficiency = 396.9804%
## This example involves finding a Bayesian D-optimal design for a ## compartmental model with n = 18 runs. There are three parameters. ## Two parameters have uniform priors and the third has a prior ## point mass. n <- 18 k <- 1 p <- 3 set.seed(1) start.d <- randomLHS(n = n, k = k) * 24 colnames(start.d) <- c("t") a1<-c(0.01884, 0.298) a2<-c(0.09884, 8.298) prior <- list(support = cbind(rbind(a1, a2), c(21.8, 21.8))) colnames(prior[[1]]) <- c("theta1", "theta2", "theta3") example <- acenlm(formula = ~ theta3 * (exp( - theta1 * t) - exp( - theta2 * t)), start.d = start.d, prior = prior, lower = 0, upper = 24, N1 = 2, N2 = 0) ## Compute efficiency of final design compared to starting design. assess(d1 = example, d2 = start.d) ## Should get # Approximate expected utility of d1 = 15.40583 # Approximate expected utility of d2 = 11.26968 # Approximate relative D-efficiency = 396.9804%
These functions print and summarise objects of class "assess"
## S3 method for class 'assess' print(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'assess' summary(object, ...)
## S3 method for class 'assess' print(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'assess' summary(object, ...)
x |
An object of class |
object |
An object of class |
... |
Arguments to be passed to and from other methods. |
These functions both provide a print out with the following information.
In the case of when d1
was generated from a call to (p)ace
with argument deterministic = FALSE
or from a call to (p)aceglm
or (p)acenlm
with argument method
being "MC"
, then the mean and standard deviation of the n.assess
evaluations of the approximate expected utility for each of the designs d1
and d2
will be printed.
Otherwise, one evaluation of the deterministic approximation to the expected utility will be printed for each of the designs from d1
and d2
. In the case when d1
was generated as a call to (p)aceglm
or (p)acenlm
with argument criterion
being "A"
, "D"
or "E"
, the relative D-, E-, or A-efficiency of the two designs will be also be printed.
Antony M. Overstall [email protected], David C. Woods, Maria Adamou & Damianos Michaelides
This suite of functions implement the examples in Overstall & Woods (2017).
######## Compartmental model ################################# utilcomp18bad(d, B) optdescomp18bad(type = "ACE") utilcomp15bad(d, B) optdescomp15bad() utilcomp15sig(d, B) optdescomp15sig() utilcomp15sigDRS(d, B) optdescomp15sigDRS() ######## Logistic regression model ########################### utillrbad(d, B) optdeslrbad(n, type = "ACE") utillrsig(d, B) inideslrsig(n, rep) optdeslrsig(n) utilhlrbad(d, B) optdeshlrbad(n) utilhlrsig(d, B) inideshlrsig(n, rep) optdeshlrsig(n) utillrbaa(d, B) optdeslrbaa(n) utillrnsel(d, B) inideslrnsel(n, rep) optdeslrnsel(n) optdeshlrbaa(n) utilhlrbaa(d, B) utilhlrnsel(d, B) inideshlrnsel(n, rep) optdeshlrnsel(n) ######## Beetle mortality experiment ######################### utilbeetle(d, B) optdesbeetle(n) ######## Linear model ######################################## utillinmod(d, B) optdeslinmod(n, type = "ACE") ##############################################################
######## Compartmental model ################################# utilcomp18bad(d, B) optdescomp18bad(type = "ACE") utilcomp15bad(d, B) optdescomp15bad() utilcomp15sig(d, B) optdescomp15sig() utilcomp15sigDRS(d, B) optdescomp15sigDRS() ######## Logistic regression model ########################### utillrbad(d, B) optdeslrbad(n, type = "ACE") utillrsig(d, B) inideslrsig(n, rep) optdeslrsig(n) utilhlrbad(d, B) optdeshlrbad(n) utilhlrsig(d, B) inideshlrsig(n, rep) optdeshlrsig(n) utillrbaa(d, B) optdeslrbaa(n) utillrnsel(d, B) inideslrnsel(n, rep) optdeslrnsel(n) optdeshlrbaa(n) utilhlrbaa(d, B) utilhlrnsel(d, B) inideshlrnsel(n, rep) optdeshlrnsel(n) ######## Beetle mortality experiment ######################### utilbeetle(d, B) optdesbeetle(n) ######## Linear model ######################################## utillinmod(d, B) optdeslinmod(n, type = "ACE") ##############################################################
d |
An |
n |
The number of runs ins the experiment. |
rep |
A scalar integer in the set |
B |
A scalar integer specifying the Monte Carlo sample size. |
type |
An optional character argument specifying which design to return. For For |
This section provides details on the examples considered and the functions implemented in acebayes
Compartmental model
Compartmental models are used in Pharmokinetics to study how materials
flow through an organism. A drug is administered to an individual or animal and then the
amount present at a certain body location is measured at a set of n
pre-determined sampling
times (in hours). There is one design variable: sampling time. Therefore the design matrix d
an n
by 1 matrix with elements controlling the n
sampling times, i.e. the number of factors is
In Overstall & Woods (2017), two different compartmental model examples are considered. The first (in the Supplementary Material)
comes from Atkinson et al (1993) and Gotwalt et al (2009) where there are n = 18
sampling times and interest
lies in finding a Bayesian D-optimal design. The functions whose name includes "comp18"
refer to this example.
The second example (in Section 3.2) comes from Ryan et al (2014), where there are n = 15
sampling times and
the ultimate interest lies in finding an optimal design under the Shannon information gain utility. Also considered is the
Bayesian D-optimal design. The functions whose name includes "comp15"
refer to this example. Note that Ryan et al (2014) used a dimension reduction scheme (DRS) to find optimal designs. The function whose name is suffixed by "DRS"
refer to this situation.
Logistic regression model
In Section 3.3 of Overstall & Woods (2017), a first-order logistic regression model in k = 4
factors and n
runs is considered. Woods et al (2006) and Gotwalt et al (2009) considered generating Bayesian D-optimal designs for n = 16
and n = 48
. Overstall & Woods (2017) extended this example by considering Bayesian A-optimal, Shannon information gain (SIG) and negative squared error loss (NSEL) utility functions, a range of number of runs from 6 to 48, and "random effects" to form a hierarchical logistic regression model.
Beetle mortality experiment
Overstall & Woods (2017, Section 3.4) considers generating an optimal design for a follow-up experiment. The original design and data (Bliss, 1935) involves administering different doses of poison to groups of beetles. The number of beetles that die in each group are recorded. Six different models are considered formed from the combination of three link functions and two linear predictors (following the analysis of O'Hagan & Forster, 2004). Interest lies in the quantity known as lethal dose 50 (LD50) which is the dose required to kill 50% of the beetles and is a function of the model parameters for a given model. Consider finding an optimal design for estimating LD50 under the negative squared error loss (NSEL) function for
new doses of poison (i.e. k = 1
factor). The prior distribution is equivalent to the posterior distribution arising from the original data and includes model uncertainty.
Linear model
In the supplementary material, Overstall & Woods (2017) considers finding D-optimal designs for a second-order (i.e. k = 2
) response surface in n=6,7,8,9
runs. Note that the D-optimal design is equivalent to the optimal design under Shannon information gain and a non-informative prior distribution.
The expected utility function in this case is available in closed form, i.e. it does not require approximation. Box & Draper (1971) found optimal designs analytically for the number of runs considered here. Overstall & Woods (2017) use this example to demonstrate the efficacy of the ACE algorithm.
Compartmental model
For the example in the Supplementary Material;
The function utilcomp18bad
will return a vector of length B
where each element is the value of the Bayesian D-optimal utility function (i.e. the log determinant of the Fisher information matrix) evaluated at a sample of size B
generated from the prior distribution of the model parameters.
The function optdescomp18bad
will return an 18 by 1 matrix giving the optimal design (specified by the argument type
). The elements will be scaled to be in the interval [-1, 1], i.e. a -1 corresponds to a sampling times of 0 hours, and 1 corresponds to a time of 24 hours.
For the example in Section 3.2;
The function utilcomp15bad
will return a vector of length B
where each element is the value of the Bayesian D-optimal utility function (i.e. the log determinant of the Fisher information matrix) evaluated at a sample of size B
generated from the prior distribution of the model parameters.
The function optdescomp15bad
will return an 15 by 1 matrix giving the optimal design (found using ACE) under Bayesian D-optimality. The elements will be scaled to be in the interval [-1, 1], i.e. a -1 corresponds to a sampling times of 0 hours, and 1 corresponds to a time of 24 hours.
The function utilcomp15sig
will return a vector of length B
where each element is the value of the SIG utility function evaluated at a sample of size B
generated from the joint distribution of model parameters and unobserved responses.
The function optdescomp15sig
will return an 18 by 1 matrix giving the optimal design (found using ACE) under the SIG utility. The elements will be scaled to be in the interval [-1, 1], i.e. a -1 corresponds to a sampling times of 0 hours, and 1 corresponds to a time of 24 hours.
The function utilcomp15sigDRS
will return a vector of length B
where each element is the value of the SIG utility function (where a DRS has been used) evaluated at a sample of size B
generated from the joint distribution of model parameters and unobserved responses. Here the Beta DRS (see Overstall & Woods, 2017) has been used so d
should be a 2 by 1 matrix containing the positive beta parameters.
The function optdescomp15sigDRS
will return a 2 by 1 matrix giving the optimal design (found using ACE) under the SIG utility, where a DRS has been used. The elements correspond to the parameters of a beta distribution.
Logistic regression model
A function whose name includes "lr"
refers to standard logistic regression, whereas "hlr"
refers to hierarchical logistic regression. Under standard logistic regression the possible values for the argument n
can be any even integer between 6 and 48. For hierarchical logistic regression, n
can be any integer divisible by 6 between 12 and 48. The function name also indicates the utility function:
Bayesian D-optimal
Bayesian A-optimal
Shannon information gain
Negative squared error loss
The functions prefixed by "util"
will return a vector of length B
where each element is the utility function evaluated at a sample generated from the prior distribution of model parameters (for Bayesian D- and A-optimality) or the joint distribution of model parameters and unobserved responses (for SIG and NSEL).
The functions prefixed by "optdes"
will return an n
by k = 4
matrix giving the optimal design found by ACE. The designs given by this function are those reported on in Overstall & Woods (2017). The function optdeslrbad
will also return designs (for n = 16, 48
) found by Woods et al (2006) and Gotwalt et al (2009) by specifying the type
argument appropriately.
The functions prefixed by "inides"
will return an n
by k = 4
matrix giving an initial design for ACE to find the optimal designs under the SIG and NSEL utility functions. These are 20 designs found using ACE under approximations to the Bayesian A- and D-optimal utility functions, respectively. The argument rep
specifies which of these 20 designs to use.
Beetle mortality experiment
The function utilbeetle
will return a vector of length B
where each element is the value of the utility function for a sample generated from the joint distribution of the model parameters, model and unobserved responses.
The function optdesbeetle
will return an n
by 1 matrix giving the optimal design under the NSEL utility function (found using ACE) for estimating the LD50. The elements will be scaled to be in the interval [-1, 1], where -1 corresponds to a dose of 1.6907, 0 to a dose of 1.7873 and 1 to a dose of 1.8839. The designs given by this function are those reported in Overstall & Woods (2017) for n
= 1, ..., 10.
Linear model
The function utillinmod
will return a vector of length B
where each element is a realisation of a stochastic approximation to the expected utility.
The function optdeslinmod
will return an n
by 2 matrix giving the D-optimal design (specified by the argument type
). If type = "ACE"
, the designs returned by this function are those found using the ACE algorithm and are reported in the Supplementary Material of Overstall & Woods (2017), and if type = "BoxDraper"
, the designs returned are the exact D-optimal designs.
Antony M. Overstall [email protected], David C. Woods, Maria Adamou & Damianos Michaelides
Atkinson, A., Chaloner, K., Herzberg, A., & Juritz, J. (1993). Experimental Designs for Properties of a Compartmental Model. Biometrics, 49, 325-337.
Bliss, C. (1935). The calculation of the dosage-mortality curve. Annals of Applied Biology, 22, 134-167.
Box, M. & Draper, N. (1971). Factorial designs, the criterion and some related matters.
Techometrics, 13, 731-742.
Gotwalt, C., Jones, B. & Steinberg, D. (2009). Fast Computation of Designs Robust to Parameter Uncertainty for Nonlinear Settings. Technometrics, 51, 88-95.
O'Hagan, A, & Forster, J.J. (2004). Kendall's Advanced Theory of Statistics, Volume 2B: Bayesian Inference. 2nd edition. John Wiley & Sons.
Overstall, A.M. & Woods, D.C. (2017). Bayesian design of experiments using approximate coordinate exchange. Technometrics, 59, 458-470.
Ryan, E., Drovandi, C., Thompson, M., Pettitt, A. (2014). Towards Bayesian experimental design for nonlinear models that require a large number of sampling times. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 70, 45-60.
Woods, D.C., Lewis, S., Eccleston, J., Russell, K. (2006). Designs for Generalized Linear Models With Several Variables and Model Uncertainty. Technometrics, 48, 284-292.
######## Compartmental model ################################# set.seed(1) ## Set seed for reproducibility d<-optimumLHS(n = 18, k = 1) * 2 - 1 ## Generate an 18-run design. u<-utilcomp18bad(d = d, B = 20000) ## Calculate the D-optimal utility function for a ## sample of size 20000. u[1:5] ## Look at first 5 elements. #[1] 14.283473 10.525390 4.126233 7.061498 12.793245 d0<-optdescomp18bad( ) u0<-utilcomp18bad(d = d0, B = 20000) ## Optimal design found by ACE and calculate the D-optimal ## utility function for a sample of size 20000. u0[1:5] ## Look at first 5 elements. #[1] 15.04721 15.37141 16.84287 14.06750 14.01523 mean(u) mean(u0) ## Calculate expected Bayesian D-optimal utility. d<-matrix(runif(2), ncol = 1) ## Generate two beta parameters. u<-utilcomp15sigDRS(d = d, B = 5) u ## Calculate the SIG utility function for a ## sample of size 5. #[1] 17.652044 4.878998 19.919559 22.017760 5.600473 ######## Logistic regression model ########################### set.seed(1) ## Set seed for reproducibility d<-optimumLHS(n = 16,k = 4) * 2 - 1 ## Generate an 16-run design. u<-utillrbad(d = d, B = 20000) ## Calculate the D-optimal utility function for a ## sample of size 20000. u[1:5] ## Look at first 5 elements. #[1] -11.630683 -5.748912 -9.554413 -10.150132 -7.940938 d0<-optdeslrbad(16) u0<-utillrbad(d = d0, B = 20000) ## Optimal design found by ACE and calculate the D-optimal ## utility function for a sample of size 20000. u0[1:5] ## Look at first 5 elements. #[1] -4.644116 -2.411431 -4.999891 -2.906558 -2.282687 mean(u) mean(u0) ## Calculate expected Bayesian D-optimal utility. #[1] -9.38253 #[1] -2.992012 ######## Beetle mortality experiment ######################### set.seed(1) ## Set seed for reproducibility d<-optimumLHS(n = 10, k = 1)*2-1 ## Generate a design of 10 doses with elements in [-1, 1] utilbeetle(d = d, B = 5) ## Calculate the utility function for a sample of size 5. #-4.720491e-06 -1.198955e-05 -1.681380e-05 -3.123498e-06 -1.412722e-05 d0<-optdesbeetle(10) d0 ## Print out optimal design from Overstall & Woods (2017) for 10 doses 0.5*( d0 + 1)*( 1.8839 - 1.6907 ) + 1.6907 ## On original scale. # [,1] # [1,] 1.769957 # [2,] 1.769520 # [3,] 1.768641 # [4,] 1.777851 # [5,] 1.768641 # [6,] 1.769520 # [7,] 1.777851 # [8,] 1.765997 # [9,] 1.768641 #[10,] 1.768641 ######## Linear model ######################################## set.seed(1) ## Set seed for reproducibility d<-cbind(rep(c( -1, 0, 1), each = 3), rep(c( -1, 0, 1), 3)) ## Create a 9-run design which is the true D-optimal design utillinmod(d = d, B = 5) ## Calculate the approximation to the true expected D-optimal utility ## function for a sample of size 5. #[1] 7.926878 8.736976 7.717704 10.148613 8.882840 d0<-optdeslinmod(9) ## Optimal D-optimal design found using ACE X<-cbind(1, d, d^2, d[,1] * d[,2]) X0<-cbind(1, d0, d0^2, d0[,1] * d0[,2]) ## Calculate model matrices under both designs detX<-determinant( t(X) %*% X)$modulus[1] detX0<-determinant( t(X0) %*% X0)$modulus[1] ## Calculate true expected D-optimal utility function for both designs 100 * exp( 0.2 * ( detX0 - detX )) ## Calculate D-efficiency of ACE design. # 99.93107
######## Compartmental model ################################# set.seed(1) ## Set seed for reproducibility d<-optimumLHS(n = 18, k = 1) * 2 - 1 ## Generate an 18-run design. u<-utilcomp18bad(d = d, B = 20000) ## Calculate the D-optimal utility function for a ## sample of size 20000. u[1:5] ## Look at first 5 elements. #[1] 14.283473 10.525390 4.126233 7.061498 12.793245 d0<-optdescomp18bad( ) u0<-utilcomp18bad(d = d0, B = 20000) ## Optimal design found by ACE and calculate the D-optimal ## utility function for a sample of size 20000. u0[1:5] ## Look at first 5 elements. #[1] 15.04721 15.37141 16.84287 14.06750 14.01523 mean(u) mean(u0) ## Calculate expected Bayesian D-optimal utility. d<-matrix(runif(2), ncol = 1) ## Generate two beta parameters. u<-utilcomp15sigDRS(d = d, B = 5) u ## Calculate the SIG utility function for a ## sample of size 5. #[1] 17.652044 4.878998 19.919559 22.017760 5.600473 ######## Logistic regression model ########################### set.seed(1) ## Set seed for reproducibility d<-optimumLHS(n = 16,k = 4) * 2 - 1 ## Generate an 16-run design. u<-utillrbad(d = d, B = 20000) ## Calculate the D-optimal utility function for a ## sample of size 20000. u[1:5] ## Look at first 5 elements. #[1] -11.630683 -5.748912 -9.554413 -10.150132 -7.940938 d0<-optdeslrbad(16) u0<-utillrbad(d = d0, B = 20000) ## Optimal design found by ACE and calculate the D-optimal ## utility function for a sample of size 20000. u0[1:5] ## Look at first 5 elements. #[1] -4.644116 -2.411431 -4.999891 -2.906558 -2.282687 mean(u) mean(u0) ## Calculate expected Bayesian D-optimal utility. #[1] -9.38253 #[1] -2.992012 ######## Beetle mortality experiment ######################### set.seed(1) ## Set seed for reproducibility d<-optimumLHS(n = 10, k = 1)*2-1 ## Generate a design of 10 doses with elements in [-1, 1] utilbeetle(d = d, B = 5) ## Calculate the utility function for a sample of size 5. #-4.720491e-06 -1.198955e-05 -1.681380e-05 -3.123498e-06 -1.412722e-05 d0<-optdesbeetle(10) d0 ## Print out optimal design from Overstall & Woods (2017) for 10 doses 0.5*( d0 + 1)*( 1.8839 - 1.6907 ) + 1.6907 ## On original scale. # [,1] # [1,] 1.769957 # [2,] 1.769520 # [3,] 1.768641 # [4,] 1.777851 # [5,] 1.768641 # [6,] 1.769520 # [7,] 1.777851 # [8,] 1.765997 # [9,] 1.768641 #[10,] 1.768641 ######## Linear model ######################################## set.seed(1) ## Set seed for reproducibility d<-cbind(rep(c( -1, 0, 1), each = 3), rep(c( -1, 0, 1), 3)) ## Create a 9-run design which is the true D-optimal design utillinmod(d = d, B = 5) ## Calculate the approximation to the true expected D-optimal utility ## function for a sample of size 5. #[1] 7.926878 8.736976 7.717704 10.148613 8.882840 d0<-optdeslinmod(9) ## Optimal D-optimal design found using ACE X<-cbind(1, d, d^2, d[,1] * d[,2]) X0<-cbind(1, d0, d0^2, d0[,1] * d0[,2]) ## Calculate model matrices under both designs detX<-determinant( t(X) %*% X)$modulus[1] detX0<-determinant( t(X0) %*% X0)$modulus[1] ## Calculate true expected D-optimal utility function for both designs 100 * exp( 0.2 * ( detX0 - detX )) ## Calculate D-efficiency of ACE design. # 99.93107
This function plots objects of class "ace"
or "pace"
## S3 method for class 'ace' plot(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'pace' plot(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'ace' plot(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'pace' plot(x, ...)
x |
An object of class |
... |
Arguments to be passed to and from other methods. |
A trace plot of the current evaluations of the approximate expected utility function. Separate lines are produced for the traces from Phases I and II of the ACE algorithm.
For objects of class "pace"
, the evaluations of the approximate expected utility function are from the repetition which resulted in the terminal design (see pace
, paceglm
, and pacenlm
for more details).
These trace plots can be used to assess convergence. See Overstall & Woods (2017) for more details.
For an example see ace
Antony M. Overstall [email protected], David C. Woods, Maria Adamou & Damianos Michaelides
Overstall, A.M. & Woods, D.C. (2017). Bayesian design of experiments using approximate coordinate exchange. Technometrics, 59, 458-470.
This function plots objects of class "assess"
## S3 method for class 'assess' plot(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'assess' plot(x, ...)
x |
An object of class |
... |
Arguments to be passed to and from other methods. |
In the case of when d1
was generated from a call to (p)ace
with argument deterministic = FALSE
or from a call to (p)aceglm
or (p)acenlm
with argument method
being "MC"
, then boxplots of the n.assess
evaluations of the approximate expected utility for each of the designs d1
and d2
will be produced. Otherwise, a plot is not meaningful and a warning will be produced.
Antony M. Overstall [email protected], David C. Woods, Maria Adamou & Damianos Michaelides
Generates an approximate utility function for generalised linear models and non-linear regression models.
utilityglm(formula, family, prior, criterion = c("D", "A", "E", "SIG", "NSEL", "SIG-Norm", "NSEL-Norm"), method = c("quadrature", "MC"), nrq) utilitynlm(formula, prior, desvars, criterion = c("D", "A", "E", "SIG", "NSEL"), method = c("quadrature", "MC"), nrq)
utilityglm(formula, family, prior, criterion = c("D", "A", "E", "SIG", "NSEL", "SIG-Norm", "NSEL-Norm"), method = c("quadrature", "MC"), nrq) utilitynlm(formula, prior, desvars, criterion = c("D", "A", "E", "SIG", "NSEL"), method = c("quadrature", "MC"), nrq)
formula |
An argument providing a symbolic description of the model. For For |
family |
For |
prior |
An argument specifying the prior distribution. For For |
desvars |
For |
criterion |
An optional character argument specifying the utility function. There are currently seven utility functions implemented as follows:
The default value is |
method |
An optional character argument specifying the method of approximating the expected utility function. Current choices are |
nrq |
For |
Two utility functions are implemented.
Shannon information gain (SIG)
The utility function is
where and
denote the posterior and prior densities of the parameters
, respectively.
Negative squared error loss (NSEL)
The utility function is
where denotes the posterior mean of
In both cases the utility function is not available in closed form due to the analytical intractability of either the posterior distribution (for SIG) or the posterior mean (for NSEL). The acebayes
package implements two approximations to both utility functions. If criterion = "SIG"
or criterion = "NSEL"
then sampling-based Monte Carlo or importance sampling approximations will be employed. This was the original approach used by Overstall & Woods (2017). If criterion = "SIG-Norm"
or criterion = "NSEL-Norm"
then approximations based on approximate normality of the posterior (Overstall et al., 2017) will be used.
The normal approximation to the posterior can be taken further leading to the approximation by some scalar function of the Fisher information matrix, , which only depends on
(Chaloner & Verdinelli, 1995). In the case of SIG, the approximate utility is given by
and the resulting design is typically called pseudo-Bayesian D-optimal. For NSEL, the approximate utility is given by
with the resulting design termed pseudo-Bayesian A-optimal. These designs are often used under the frequentist approach to optimal experimental design and so to complete the usual set, the following utility for finding a pseudo-Bayesian E-optimal design is also implemented:
where denotes the function that calculates the eigenvalues of its argument.
The expected utilities can be approximated using Monte Carlo methods (method = "MC"
for all criteria) or using a deterministic quadrature method (method = "quadrature"
, implemented for the D, A and E criteria). The former approach approximates the expected utility via sampling from the prior. The latter approach uses a radial-spherical integration rule (Monahan and Genz, 1997) and B[1]
specifies the number, , of radial abscissas and
specifies the number, , of random rotations. Larger values of
will produce more accurate, but also more computationally expensive, approximations. See Gotwalt et al. (2009) for further details.
For utilityglm
, note that the utility functions for SIG and NSEL are currently only implemented for logistic regression, i.e. family = binomial
, or Poisson regression, i.e. family = poisson(link = "log")
, whereas the utility functions for pseudo-Bayesian designs are implemented for generic GLM families.
For more details on the ACE algorithm, see Overstall & Woods (2017).
The function will return a list with the following components:
utility |
The utility function resulting from the choice of arguments. |
Antony M. Overstall [email protected], David C. Woods, Maria Adamou & Damianos Michaelides
Chaloner, K. & Verdinelli, I. (1995). Bayesian experimental design: a review. Statistical Science, 10, 273-304.
Gotwalt, C. M., Jones, B. A. & Steinberg, D. M. (2009). Fast computation of designs robust to parameter uncertainty for nonlinear settings. Technometrics, 51, 88-95.
Monahan, J. and Genz, A. (1997). Spherical-radial integration rules for Bayesian computation,” Journal of the American Statistical Association, 92, 664-674.
Overstall, A.M. & Woods, D.C. (2017). Bayesian design of experiments using approximate coordinate exchange. Technometrics, 59, 458-470.
, acenlm
, paceglm
, pacenlm
## 1. This example uses utilityglm to generate the pseudo-Bayesian D-optimality ## approximate expected utility function using a Monte Carlo approximation. low<-c(-3, 4, 5, -6, -2.5) upp<-c(3, 10, 11, 0, 3.5) ## Lower and upper limits of the uniform prior distributions. prior<-function(B){ t(t(6*matrix(runif(n=5*B),ncol=5))+low)} ## Create a function which specifies the prior. This function will return a ## B by 5 matrix where each row gives a value generated from the prior ## distribution for the model parameters. ex <- utilityglm(formula = ~x1+x2+x3+x4, family = binomial, prior = prior, method = "MC") set.seed(1) ## Set seed for reproducibility. n<-6 ## Specify the sample size (number of runs). start.d<-matrix( 2 * randomLHS(n = n,k = 4) - 1,nrow = n,ncol = 4, dimnames = list(as.character(1:n),c("x1", "x2", "x3", "x4"))) ## Generate an initial design of appropriate dimension. The initial design is a ## Latin hypercube sample. ex$utility(d = start.d, B = 10) ## Evaluate resulting approximate utility. Should get: #[1] -13.98143 -17.07772 -19.88988 -22.40720 -15.27411 -15.02717 -16.17253 -18.66600 -13.75118 #[10] -21.83820 ## 2. This example uses utilitynlm to generate the psuedo-Bayesian A-optimality expected utility ## function using a quadrature approximation low<-c(0.01884, 0.298, 21.8) upp<-c(0.09884, 8.298, 21.8) ## Lower and upper limits of the uniform prior distributions. Note that the prior ## for the third element is a point mass. prior2 <- list(support = cbind(rbind(low, upp))) colnames(prior2$support) <- c("a", "b", "c") ## Specify a uniform prior with ranges given by low and upp ex2 <- utilitynlm(formula = ~ c * (exp( - a * t) - exp( - b *t)), prior = prior2, desvars = "t") n <- 6 start.d <- matrix(24 * randomLHS(n = n, k = 1), nrow = n) colnames(start.d) <- "t" ex2$utility(d = start.d) ## -13.17817
## 1. This example uses utilityglm to generate the pseudo-Bayesian D-optimality ## approximate expected utility function using a Monte Carlo approximation. low<-c(-3, 4, 5, -6, -2.5) upp<-c(3, 10, 11, 0, 3.5) ## Lower and upper limits of the uniform prior distributions. prior<-function(B){ t(t(6*matrix(runif(n=5*B),ncol=5))+low)} ## Create a function which specifies the prior. This function will return a ## B by 5 matrix where each row gives a value generated from the prior ## distribution for the model parameters. ex <- utilityglm(formula = ~x1+x2+x3+x4, family = binomial, prior = prior, method = "MC") set.seed(1) ## Set seed for reproducibility. n<-6 ## Specify the sample size (number of runs). start.d<-matrix( 2 * randomLHS(n = n,k = 4) - 1,nrow = n,ncol = 4, dimnames = list(as.character(1:n),c("x1", "x2", "x3", "x4"))) ## Generate an initial design of appropriate dimension. The initial design is a ## Latin hypercube sample. ex$utility(d = start.d, B = 10) ## Evaluate resulting approximate utility. Should get: #[1] -13.98143 -17.07772 -19.88988 -22.40720 -15.27411 -15.02717 -16.17253 -18.66600 -13.75118 #[10] -21.83820 ## 2. This example uses utilitynlm to generate the psuedo-Bayesian A-optimality expected utility ## function using a quadrature approximation low<-c(0.01884, 0.298, 21.8) upp<-c(0.09884, 8.298, 21.8) ## Lower and upper limits of the uniform prior distributions. Note that the prior ## for the third element is a point mass. prior2 <- list(support = cbind(rbind(low, upp))) colnames(prior2$support) <- c("a", "b", "c") ## Specify a uniform prior with ranges given by low and upp ex2 <- utilitynlm(formula = ~ c * (exp( - a * t) - exp( - b *t)), prior = prior2, desvars = "t") n <- 6 start.d <- matrix(24 * randomLHS(n = n, k = 1), nrow = n) colnames(start.d) <- "t" ex2$utility(d = start.d) ## -13.17817